Adductor Magnus and TFL - Treating the Functional Unit

Some of the power of the Coaching The Body® approach comes from the attention paid to working both sides of the functional unit: agonists and antagonists.

The CNS constantly monitors these relationships, and when one side develops trigger points, both sides must be treated. Muscles cannot stretch without their antagonists being able to shorten without issues. This demonstration vividly shows how working with the shortening side can have a dramatic effect on the muscle being stretched.

Pain Treatment Secrets

Build A Practice Your Clients Can’t Stop Talking About — By Dissolving Pain Right At The Source

Tired of being stumped by your clients’ pain issues? Most pain comes from trigger points in muscles, and can be eliminated fully and efficiently by understanding its true origins using the principles and techniques of Coaching The Body®.

a man with a pain-relief device pointing to a inner thigh of a patient
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“I used your approach today on a client with an ‘arthritic hip’. Turns out he had the trigger point of all trigger points in his adductor magnus. He was in disbelief about his range of motion in his hip when we were finished. I’m only 8 weeks in to the CTB membership and it’s absolutely the best thing I’ve ever done for my business/life. I totally changed 3 peoples lives today with the Muscle Liberator and the understanding of functional anatomy and TP referral from your classes. Infinite gratitude for your work.”

Sarah Cook

CTB Member