Contacting CTBI

The most efficient way for you to contact us and get your questions answered is via our Help Center and our chat system at the bottom right of our website pages. Many common questions are answered in our Help Center, so start there, and if you still need more help, send a message via chat.

For Returns Only Ship To:

CTBI c/o Chicago Shipper
3501 Woodhead Dr.
Northbrook, IL 60062

For quick help, use the chat icon below

All Checks Must Be Mailed

FEDEX OR UPS to CTBI, 1019 Asbury
Ave. Evanston, IL 60202

frequently asked question

We'd love to hear from you. In general, you are likely to get your question answered more quickly via chat than by phone. We have a busy teaching and clinic schedule and generally cannot answer the phone. We monitor chat throughout the day.

For all questions about booking a session, please visit the clinic page. That will answer most of your questions and allow you to book most sessions online. For questions not answered on that page, you may contact the clinic staff via chat.

If you are already enrolled or a prior student and have questions about getting from the airport, where to stay, booking a room at the studio, checking in, your payment plan and other logistical questions, please contact us via chat.


If you're interested in details about our course offerings, our Course Catalog page contains course descriptions and a concise schedule of upcoming classes. Our Schedule page has a detailed schedule and enrollment links. You do not need to contact us about whether a class is full. Our booking system will make it impossible to enroll once a class fills, so if you can place your deposit you are guaranteed a place in class.