Want to learn how to end pain for good?
Are you frustrated by the massive ignorance regarding pain in the medical system? Hi, I’m Chuck Duff, author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller, ENDING PAIN. Over 20 years, I’ve helped thousands of people learn to treat their own or their clients’ pain effectively and permanently.
If you are a bodyworker, fitness or manual therapy professional, I can show you how to explode your income, be booked 3 months out and be known as the go-to expert “Pain Hacker” in your area.

Here are four ways that I can help you become a PainHacker for yourself or others:

Manual Therapists
I want to learn to be a successful Pain Hacker, explode my practice and help more people

Yoga/Fitness Pros
I want to help my fitness/yoga clients be pain free and keep progressing

Shoulder Sufferers
I want to get rid of my shoulder pain at home, for good

Sciatica Sufferers
I want to permanently eliminate my low back, hip and leg pain at home
Continuing Education Credits
Many of our courses provide approved CE for massage, corrective exercise and yoga
A Proven Approach for Lasting Relief
Experience the power of our unique CTB™ methodology, revolutionizing pain treatment through neuroscience and movement.
Advanced Bodywork Approach
Using movement, advanced TrP therapy and distraction
Targeted Vibration Therapy
Using precise therapeutic vibration for fast relief with our Muscle Liberator™
Neuro-Hacking Techniques
Accelerate recovery with neuroplasticity and distraction methods
Find The True Source Of Chronic Pain
Advanced analysis including functional relationships and satellite referral

All Courses

Restore Pain-Free Movement
Discover how the top 1% of fitness and movement professionals are using this innovative method to eliminate pain and movement limitations, stand out from the competition, and turbocharge their businesses..
Thank you for the great course. One of the reasons I took it was for my own shoulder pain — it is doing dramatically better! I am very grateful!! I love experimenting with the contract/relax dynamic in my yoga classes sequences.
Mary Lynch - Yoga Teacher

Relieve Your Shoulder Pain
Join the Movement of Pain-Free Living: Discover How the Coaching The Body® Method Can Help You Treat Your Shoulder Pain Like a Pro
Loved Doug's full self care demo. Seeing his spine articulate with more fluidity and movement after self care was awesome."
Sandy Efflandt.

Free Yourself from Sciatica and Hip Pain
Eliminate Your Sciatica & Hip Pain with the Same Proven Method Used by Top CTB Manual Therapists
I’m already knowing how to use it on my plantar fasciitis and I don’t even know if there [is] a segment on that but it’s really helping.
Joy Griffin

Dissolve Pain Right At The Source
Tired of being stumped by your clients’ pain issues? Most pain comes from trigger points in muscles and can be eliminated fully and efficiently by understanding its true origins using the principles and techniques of Coaching The Body®.
I’m only 8 weeks in to the CTB membership and it’s absolutely the best thing I’ve ever done for my business/life.
Sarah Cook.

Chuck’s book, ENDING PAIN, quickly became an Amazon #1 Best Seller, a testament to the need for a revolutionary new look at our failing pain industry.
Here’s What Our Students Say About Coaching The Body®
Julianne Hutchcraft
Founder, KC Yoga Coach
Francine Pettit
Samadhi Thai Massage & Bodywork
with CTB.”
Marshelle Joseph

Amazon #1 Best Selling Author
Oddly enough, pain is a mystery to the medical profession. Our medical system is still in the middle ages in terms of understanding pain, which is why we have over 100,000 people a year dying of opiate overdose in the US.
When I started out as a Thai bodyworker over 20 years ago, I quickly became frustrated at my inability to reliably help the many clients who came to me with pain. I was shocked at how many experienced practitioners had failed them prior to seeing me.
Setting out on my journey with trigger point therapy in 2002 gave me hope that I could develop a repeatable system for treating pain. I discovered the reasons why this brilliantly conceived system had a spotty track record and had never gained mainstream acceptance. I spent years analyzing the functional anatomy behind common Thai and yoga poses, training and movement exercises and began recasting them in terms of updated trigger point principles.
I taught the first course in my new system, Coaching The Body®, in 2005 and I've spent the intervening years refining it--until we now can reliably address the vast majority of pain complaints with speed, permanence and efficiency. CTB combines trigger point knowledge, modern neuroscience and neuroplasticity concepts with a range of manual therapy and self care techniques. It works.