Fitness & Yoga Pros: Get Your Personalized Plan for Resolving Client Pain & Movement Limitations!

Hi, Doug Ringwald here.
I was in your shoes 10 years ago. I was a yoga teacher and personal trainer struggling to help my clients (and myself!) with pain and movement limitations. I studied everything from the industry experts, to no avail…and I was frustrated. Then I found Chuck Duff and CTB, and it changed my understanding, practice and life! I became pain-free and learned how to truly help my clients and students attain the same.
The big secret, that shouldn’t be a secret, is most pain is referred by trigger points in muscles. Most medical professionals as well as fitness, yoga and movement experts don’t understand this, and are misled by the “illusion of injury”.
The truth is, most pain can be eliminated fully and efficiently by understanding its true origins and applying the innovative Coaching The Body principles and techniques to fitness, yoga and movement practices, all within scope of those practices.
With our online course, Coaching the Body Out of Pain in Corrective Exercise, Yoga and Movement, you’ll learn how to coach pain-free movement in your students and clients, and explode your referrals, reputation and practice.