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Attention Yoga & Fitness Pros: Discover how the top 1% of fitness and movement professionals are using this innovative method to eliminate pain and movement limitations, stand out from the competition, and turbocharge their businesses.

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"I feel like I’m learning the most advanced and expert training available, it’s the best. Things are taught here that I would never get introduced to anywhere in the world. "

Will Baird

Personal Trainer  |  Dynamic Wellness

3 Myths of Sports Medicine


Pain is the result of injury or some mysterious “inflammation”.

Nope. Although acute trauma, like a fall or collision, can damage tissues and cause pain, most pain is actually from trigger points in muscles. This has been proven by studies at pain clinics, research at the NIH and in our own clinical experience. Trigger points are small areas of stagnation in muscle tissue that develop in response to chronic or acute stresses on muscles. Trigger points aren’t injuries, and they commonly send pain to other areas (pain referral) in a way that can very much feel like an injury. This fools everyone - doctors, PTs, most practitioners.


Painful, impaired muscles test "weak" and need to be strengthened.

Nope. You can’t “strengthen” yourself out of pain. That’s why traditional physical therapy often fails or even makes pain worse.

There is a common misunderstanding of how and why a muscle becomes “weak”. Weakness is often the result of trigger points in muscle fibers. These fibers cannot contract on demand of the nervous system -- they are in a stuck contraction known as a contracture. Putting compromised muscles with trigger points under load, stretch or shortening often leads to a larger pain response from the nervous system, and more trigger point fiber development, exacerbating the problem.

In Coaching The Body® methods, the trigger point fibers are first reduced, and pain-free movement restored, before any strengthening work. Restoring the ability of muscle fibers to contract on demand brings them back “online” to the nervous system. The muscle regains strength immediately and then can be further conditioned with incremental strengthening exercises.


Pain means muscles are tight and need to be stretched.

Nope. Although stretching can feel great after being immobile in front of computer or driving for too long, it can also light up pain issues.  And for chronic, recurring pain, stretching is borderline useless, unless you understand where the pain is coming from in the first place (and it's usually not where you might think).

The issue comes down again to most medical and fitness professionals not understanding muscle trigger point physiology. When trigger point fibers are stretched without first being treated, the nociceptors in the muscle will send danger signals to the nervous system which will then engage the muscle and shut down the stretch to protect the body from perceived danger.

In Coaching The Body®, we use knowledge of pain referral and functional relationships to understand the true sources of pain. We then use muscle energy techniques and neurological distraction to resolve trigger points in muscles to gain strength, length and pain-free range of motion.

The result is fast, dramatic change--sometimes within minutes.

What Would Your Life Look Like if...

You understood the muscular sources of shoulder pain and could confidently guide your clients to health and movement freedom in a few sessions?

Every session with clients enhanced your reputation and referrals?

You understood the muscular sources of most lower body and hip/sciatic pain, and could confidently coach your clients to move again with ease and fluidity?

You could create unique exercise and yoga sequences based on Coaching The Body principles that were immediately impactful for specific issues?

You never again would have to fall back on modifying or avoiding certain movements because that's all you had to offer?