Your Ultimate Guide to Treating Sciatica and Hip Pain

Free Yourself from Sciatica and Hip Pain with the Coaching The Body® Method

Eliminate Your Sciatica & Hip Pain with the Same Proven Method Used by Top CTB Manual Therapists

man holding a device on his leg
Years in Business
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of Approved CE Course Hours
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"Since taking the course and employing some of the treatments, hip and sciatic pain is less common, less intense, and I've seen improvement in shoulder pain that had started on that same side of the body, without treating the shoulder pain."

Julie Swenson

a man leaning against a wall with his hand on his hip

Are You Tired of Living with Sciatica and Hip Pain?

Do you find yourself at a loss when dealing with sciatica or hip pain? Do you feel unsure of what to do when pain or movement limitations arise during exercise or daily activities?

Is it seemingly getting worse despite modifying exercises and regressing movements? Are traditional approaches to addressing hip pain and movement issues falling short?

Don't let it hold you back anymore! Discover the Coaching The Body™ method and learn how to free yourself from pain and movement limitations, so you can get back to doing what you love. No more relying on others for answers or being told to avoid certain activities - take control of your own health and well-being with our proven methods.

“I haven’t come across a person with such specific knowledge in myofascial pain in quite some time..”

Laura Pudloski

I'm a massage therapist and I also do a lot of trigger point work and Thai work and I'm just like in heaven. I'm only halfway through week one and I'm so thrilled.

Kathleen Yorke

Chuck’s years of study and practice has evolved into the healing wisdom our Westernized society needs TODAY. I want to share this with my community and teach it to future generations!!!

Julianne Hutchcraft

“Makes so much sense to learn it this way-- functionally.”


“Yes! So much info about the referral areas. Just what I wanted and needed. It brought all the prior classes together.”

Kimberly Wilkes

“After about 20 minutes of gingerly addressing my partner’s traps, subscap, infra, supra, deltoid, and biceps  his pain-free ROM increased dramatically. We were both amazed!!!”

Kim Stevenson

Thanks Chuck! I love this approach! From my 35 years of doing massage, this all makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing this concept.

K. HarrisHeidi Scott

“These studies are invaluable! I am so thankful to have discovered your program.

Julie Shelton

“Very awesome and very eye opening. I always thought how important your feet were.That is your foundation. But this brings it to a whole new level.”

Joe Matacic Jr

“I believe so strongly in what Chuck is doing. I have watched it transform lives and eliminate medical diagnoses! I’m THRILLED to continue my study, learning from a true master of healing pain and injury!”

Julianne Hutchcraft

“Thanks Chuck for your contribution. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I am enjoying the weekly online classes and look forward to seeing you in person soon.

Liana Congram

3 Pain Myths of Conventional Medicine


Pain is the result of injury or some mysterious “inflammation”.

Nope. Although acute trauma, like a fall or collision, can damage tissues and cause pain, most pain is actually from trigger points in muscles. This has been proven by studies at pain clinics, research at the NIH and in our own clinical experience. Trigger points are small areas of stagnation in muscle tissue that develop in response to chronic or acute stresses on muscles. Trigger points aren’t injuries, and they commonly send pain to other areas (pain referral) in a way that can very much feel like an injury. This fools everyone - doctors, PTs, most practitioners breathing dysfunction.


Painful, impaired muscles test "weak" and need to be strengthened.

Nope. You can’t “strengthen” yourself out of pain. That’s why traditional physical therapy often fails or even makes pain worse.

There is a common misunderstanding of how and why a muscle becomes “weak”. Weakness is often the result of trigger points in muscle fibers. These fibers cannot contract on demand of the nervous system -- they are in a stuck contraction known as a contracture. Putting compromised muscles with trigger points under load, stretch or shortening often leads to a larger pain response from the nervous system, and more trigger point fiber development, exacerbating the problem.

In Coaching The Body® methods, the trigger point fibers are first reduced, and pain-free movement restored, before any strengthening work. Restoring the ability of muscle fibers to contract on demand brings them back “online” to the nervous system. The muscle regains strength immediately and then can be further conditioned with incremental strengthening exercises.


Pain means muscles are tight and need to be stretched.

Nope. Although stretching can feel great after being immobile in front of computer or driving for too long, it can also light up pain issues.  And for chronic, recurring pain, stretching is borderline useless, unless you understand where the pain is coming from in the first place (and it's usually not where you might think).

The issue comes down again to most medical and fitness professionals not understanding muscle trigger point physiology. When trigger point fibers are stretched without first being treated, the nociceptors in the muscle will send danger signals to the nervous system which will then engage the muscle and shut down the stretch to protect the body from perceived danger.

In Coaching The Body®, we use knowledge of pain referral and functional relationships to understand the true sources of pain. We then use muscle energy techniques and neurological distraction to resolve trigger points in muscles to gain strength, length and pain-free range of motion.

The result is fast, dramatic change--sometimes within minutes.

Have You Ever Experienced Any of This?

Have you ever experienced a sharp, shooting pain that starts in your lower back and runs down one of your legs, making it difficult to stand or sit for extended periods of time? This is a common symptom of sciatica.

Do you feel a deep ache or stiffness in your hip joint that makes it hard to move or bend over? This could be a sign of hip arthritis or bursitis, which can cause pain in the hip and surrounding areas.

Have you noticed a dull ache in your hip or buttock that worsens when you sit for long periods of time or climb stairs? This could be a sign of piriformis syndrome, which occurs when the piriformis muscle in the buttock irritates the sciatic nerve.

Do you experience pain or stiffness in your hip and groin area that radiates to your thigh and knee, making it difficult to walk or move? This could be a sign of hip impingement or labral tear, which can cause pain and limited mobility.

Do you feel a burning or tingling sensation in your hip or leg that is accompanied by weakness or numbness? This could be a sign of a herniated disc in your lower back, which can cause sciatic pain and nerve damage.

Have you ever felt a popping or snapping sensation in your hip when you move or stand up? This could be a sign of hip instability or a labral tear, which can cause pain and limited mobility.

Have you ever felt a popping or snapping sensation in your hip when you move or stand up? This could be a sign of hip instability or a labral tear, which can cause pain and limited mobility.

Do you feel a sharp, stabbing pain in your hip or groin area when you move or walk, or even when you're at rest? This could be a sign of hip avascular necrosis, which occurs when the blood supply to the hip joint is disrupted, causing the bone to die and the joint to deteriorate.

If you answered yes to any of the above, solving these problems is what we do every single day for our clients at Coaching The Body®.

"Discover Relief for Your Hip and Sciatica Pain - Embrace Life to the Fullest

Sciatica and hip pain issues can affect your daily life, including your ability to work, exercise, and even sleep.

Not being able to alleviate this pain can be frustrating and overwhelming, leaving you feeling powerless and discouraged. But with our "Treat Your Own Sciatica & Hip Pain: The Coaching The Body™ Approach" course, you can take control of your pain and transform your life.

You'll learn effective techniques and strategies to manage and relieve your pain from the comfort of your own home, without expensive appointments or the need to leave your house.

By using our course, you'll be able to save money, regain your freedom, and live a happier, healthier life. You don't have to be an expert in the field, and you don't have to settle for less competent practitioners. With our proven methods, you can become your own expert and take your health into your own hands.

a man sitting on the ground with a pain massager
Chuck Duff of Coaching the body
Hi - I'm Chuck Duff

Founder of Coaching The Body Institute

s a martial artist and serious yoga practitioner, I've always been fascinated by the power of movement--and I've had my share of pain and setbacks.

Most of us don’t understand pain (and neither did I), but we all experience it. The Western medical system sees pain as a sign of something broken that needs fixing, some manifestation of injury or disease—an inevitable consequence of damaged tissues. This pathology model of pain is both thoroughly inculcated into popular thinking and unfortunately wrong in a high percentage of cases.

Oddly enough, pain is a mystery to the medical profession. Our medical system is still in the middle ages in terms of understanding pain, which is why we have over 100,000 people a year dying of opiate overdose in the US. Many of those sad outcomes began with seemingly innocent prescription painkillers.

When I started out as a Thai bodyworker over 20 years ago, I quickly became frustrated at my inability to reliably help the many clients who came to me with pain. I was shocked at how many well regarded practitioners had failed them as well prior to seeing me.

Setting out on my journey with trigger point therapy in 2002 gave me hope that I could develop a repeatable system for treating pain. I discovered the reasons why this brilliantly conceived system had a spotty track record and had never gained mainstream acceptance. I spent years analyzing the functional anatomy behind common Thai and yoga poses, training and movement exercises and began recasting them in terms of updated trigger point principles.

I taught the first course in my new system, Coaching The Body®, in 2005 and I've spent the intervening years refining it--until we now can reliably address the vast majority of pain complaints with speed, permanence and efficiency. CTB combines trigger point knowledge, modern neuroscience and neuroplasticity research with a range of manual therapy and self care techniques. It works.

A book titled Ending the Pain written by Chuck Duff

My book, ENDING PAIN, quickly became an Amazon #1 Best Seller, a testament to the need for a revolutionary new look at our failing pain industry.

Available at
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What Would Your Life Look Like if...

You could finally move without pain: Imagine being able to stand up from a chair, walk up stairs, or even run without feeling discomfort or sharp pain shooting through your hip or down your leg.

You could avoid costly medical bills and treatments: Treating your sciatica and hip pain with the Coaching The Body™ approach could save you from having to undergo expensive medical procedures or surgeries, which can put a significant strain on your finances

You could get a better night's sleep: Hip and sciatica pain can make it difficult to get comfortable in bed and stay asleep throughout the night. Imagine finally being able to sleep soundly and wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated.

You could regain your independence: Hip and sciatica pain can make simple tasks like grocery shopping, cooking, or even sitting at a desk feel impossible.

What Exactly Do You Get in The Course?

This course offers practical techniques and strategies to help you improve your clients' movement patterns, enhance their body awareness, and optimize their overall health.

a picture of a diagram of a man's pain
Module 1

Treat Your Own Sciatica Introduction

Sciatic pain, or sciatica is a very common pain condition. Most people assume that sciatica is a diagnosis, but it's not.

In Travell & Simons, the authors state that sciatica is a descriptive, umbrella term for a set of symptoms that involve pain and other sensation radiating to the lower extremities. The term does not imply that the cause is a nerve impingement at the spine, but this is what most practitioners and lay people assume. This is rarely the case in our clinical experience.

Sciatica is a very common condition that is second only to shoulder pain in its frequency - and is almost always caused by trigger points in muscles.

This module introduces the CTB insights into what causes sciatica and provides downloads including the Sciatic Pain Self Treatment Workbook.

Module 2

Perpetuating Factors For Sciatica

We cover the anatomical variations that often set up sciatic pain and must be corrected if we are to eliminate pain in a permanent way. Anatomical variations like hyperpronation and leg length discrepancy can cause some of the most important muscles for sciatica to become dysfunctional.

We cover how to self-assess for these conditions, how they cause issues and how to correct them.

a man sitting on a yoga mat with a dumbbell
Module 3

Using Compression and Vibration

This module shows the correct way to use balls for compression and how to use therapeutic vibration tools to get the best results.

a man is being examined by a man on a bed
Module 4

Posterior Glutes: Anatomy and Self Treatment Techniques

The gluteal muscles are the single most important muscle group for sciatic pain. We cover the anatomy of these muscles so you know how they function, what kinds of pain they cause and where to look for trigger points.

You will learn how to treat the posterior glutes with balls, compression and contract/relax stretching in a variety of positions to suite your range of motion.

a man and a man sitting on a bed
Module 5

Anterior Glutes & TFL Self Treatment

The anterior glute fibers tend to cause pain in the hip and radiating down the side of the leg. We cover a variety of effective treatment techniques for these muscle areas.

a man is holding a man's leg while they both sit on a bed
Module 6

Quadratus Lumborum Anatomy and Self Treatment

When the QL is troubled, the pain and movement dysfunction can be intense.  It is known to send pain into the sacral area and be described as low back pain.  People with active QL trigger points may be barely able to turn over in bed and unable to bear the pain of standing upright or walking.

It also refers pain into the glutes, TFL and abdominal obliques and is a potent source of satellite referral which can setup many lower body pain complaints including sciatica, knee pain and plantar fasciitis.The QL is very sensitive to leg length differences.

We cover anatomy, self treatment with vibration and comp;ression, and stretches for this all-important muscle.

a picture of a diagram of a man's lower body
Module 7

Adductors Anatomy & Self Treatment

Adductor longus is one of the two main leg adductors, the other being adductor magnus.  These muscles are very involved with gait.  Every step one takes, these muscles are working to stabilize the leg laterally in conjunction with the leg abductors (glute minimus/medius and TFL).

Adductor longus is a major source of medial knee pain, groin pain and proximal anterior thigh pain.  It also is capable of sending pain into the medial lower leg.  Also, it is a primary muscle to treat in regards to sciatic pain, because it is directly antagonistic to the glute minimus which is the major source of lateral and posterior sciatic referral pain.

You will learn the best ways to treat the adductors with compression and vibration, along with contract/relax stretches. We will also cover common perpetuating factors that cause problems with the adductors.

a man laying on top of a bed next to a man
Module 8

Piriformis Anatomy and Self Treatment

The piriformis is a deep muscle that can cause serious hip and SI joint pain. This module covers how to find and treat trigger points in this muscle along with stretches and how to correct any perpetuating factors.

While the informal term sciatica is often assumed to involve the sciatic nerve, it almost never does. Sciatica is merely a descriptive term for radiating hip and leg pain. In some cases, the piriformis may compress the sciatic nerve as it passes through the pelvis, causing some neurological symptoms, but this is still best treated with trigger point therapy.

two men sitting on the floor in a room
Module 9

Stretches for Sciatica

There may sometimes be a spinal component to sciatic pain. The medical profession tends to focus exclusively on the diagnosis of lumbar nerve impingement, or radiculopathy, because this represents an easy mechanical/neurological explanation for pain. However, there are many other subtle ways in which nerves and muscles can interact, and much pain is caused by trigger points alone.

The deep spinal muscles that control vertebral positioning are often innervated by the nerves emerging from the spinal segments that they control. This produces many opportunities for dysfunctional loops to develop in which nerve compression causes disturbance in the deep paraspinals, which then pull the vertebrae out of alignment.

a man is doing a yoga pose on a mat
Module 10

Introduction to the CTB™ Approach and Scapular Positioning

Scapular positioning is a term that we use to talk about the normal or at rest position of the scapula. The scapular stabilizer muscles exist in a carefully orchestrated relationship. Ideally, these muscles will each be at a relatively normal resting length, however it is very common for some fibers to become chronically shortened, and their antagonists to defacilitate and exist in some degree of stretch at all times.

This relationship determines our shoulder posture. Many factors can influence this group of muscles and cause distorted posture. Excessive protraction is very common, also called rounded shoulder posture.

At the Coaching the Body Institute, we've developed a scapular positioning treatment approach using the Muscle Liberator™ tool that can be completed typically in 45 minutes or less - sometimes much less. This is an extremely valuable treatment, because improper positioning of the scapula can in turn trigger dysfunction and pain in many other muscles.

a man sitting on top of a bed next to another man
Module 11

CTB And Anatomy Principles

This module covers the anatomy and theory that you will find helpful in treating your own sciatic pain. You don’t have to master this material to get success, but it is helpful to deepen your understanding of the principles we use in our work.

Why This Course is Different

The Coaching The Body methodology is built upon a completely different understanding of pain origins and movement dysfunction than mainstream myths. Our approach has proven highly successful in over 20 years of clinical practice, with thousands of clients helped, even in cases of severe pain and movement dysfunction.

We have translated these successes into a self care approach that begins by understanding that where you feel pain is not the actual source of the pain. Traditional thinking holds that the pain is caused by some sort of injury or disease at the site of the pain. Our work and trigger point theory, on the other hand, have shown conclusively that the true source of your shoulder pain is usually well removed from where it is felt.

Without this insight, you are doomed to repeating useless exercises and strengthening routines that very often make the pain worse. Muscles with trigger points appear to be much weaker than they are, and this is a trap that conventional treatment falls into every time.

In the CTB protocol, you follow the common paths of satellite referral that make shoulder pain show up in the typical places. By getting to the true source, you can restore full pain-free movement, at which point you can then do incremental strengthening safely if you wish.

a man in a gray shirt and black shorts holding a pain massager

Here’s What People Are Saying About This Course

“A note of appreciation! Thank you, Chuck Duff, for sharing your knowledge, skills and experience through your online courses! There is nothing else out there like these!”

Julianne H.

Founder, KC Yoga Coach

"Since taking the course and employing some of the treatments, hip and sciatic pain is less common, less intense, and I've seen improvement in shoulder pain that had started on that same side of the body, without treating the shoulder pain."

Julie Swenson

"I've been an online student for some time. I've been involved with bodywork since the early 80's and have learned more about what I thought I already knew than I thought possible with CTB."

Marshelle Joseph


Here’s Why You Can Trust Us

Hey, Doug here… and I just want to say that I was in your shoes 10 years ago. I was a yoga teacher and personal trainer struggling to help my clients (and myself!) with pain and movement limitations.

I personally experienced bouts of low back pain that were crippling, even though I was a conditioned soccer player and yoga practitioner.

I was frustrated.  I did not understand functional anatomy and pain well enough to help myself or my clients like I felt in my heart had to be possible. And I and many of my clients had been failed by a long stream of therapists, doctors and surgeries.

I turned over every rock. I studied corrective exercise. I read books on physical therapy, anatomy, biomechanics, neuroscience, pain…”alternative” modalities like Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Feldenkrais, Alexander Method…and came to the shocking conclusion none of the “experts” actually understood pain and movement in anything more than a general and ambiguous way. No one had specific solutions to specific problems.

Doug Ringwald  of Coaching the body

Then I found Chuck Duff. A man that could solve pain problems in minutes with clients and students, because he had discovered the faulty assumptions underpinning the medical pain paradigm and came to understand the true muscular sources of pain. And not just theoretically, but through 20 years of clinical bodywork and movement retraining with clients, to find what works most efficiently.  

I had found my mentor and spent the next 10 years apprenticing, building my clinical practice, refining and teaching Coaching The Body methods.

Those 10 years of experience resolving pain with hundreds of clients and teaching the CTB methods to hundreds of students, have now been distilled into this course.

a computer, tablet, phone, and tablet screen displaying a video of a woman
Course without Tools
Treat Your Own Sciatica & Hip Pain with Coaching The Body™ online course
Sciatica & Hip Pain Pain Self Treatment PDF Workbook
Membership in our private support group so you can ask questions, get downloads
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30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Course + Free Liberator™ Lite
Treat Your Own Sciatica & Hip Pain with Coaching The Body™ online course
Sciatica & Hip Pain Pain Self Treatment PDF Workbook
Membership in our private support group so you can ask questions, get downloads
Muscle Liberator™ Lite Therapeutic Vibration Tool ($150 value)
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30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Course + Free Liberator™ Lite + Tiger Tail™ Balls
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Treat Your Own Sciatica & Hip Pain with Coaching The Body™ online course
Sciatica & Hip Pain Pain Self Treatment PDF Workbook
Membership in our private support group so you can ask questions, get downloads
Muscle Liberator™ Lite Therapeutic Vibration Tool ($150 value)
Tiger Tail™ 2.6 Ball On a Rope
Tiger Tail™ 5” High Density Compression Ball
Save $260!
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

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We stand by our training and products 100%! If you are unhappy with your purchase for any reason, you may return it within 30 days of the purchase date for a full refund.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers you need to make an informed decision about the Coaching the Body Membership

Can I Really Treat My Own Pain?

Yes, absolutely! Our CTB™ therapists have worked with many people remotely (online) and successfully coached them to effectively treat their own pain. The techniques are not difficult. It is a matter of informed analysis of what is really contributing to pain, so you know where to treat. And this is covered extensively in this course.

Conversely, many of our clients have come to us because their prior treatments have actually made their condition worse. Forcing shoulder movement in spite of pain, focusing on strength when the muscles aren't able to perform, inappropriate surgeries and failing to deal with satellite referral are just some of the reasons why you will be better off treating yourself unless you have a qualified CTB therapist in your area.

You will also have access to our chat system and online forum to ask questions and get support.

How Much Does It Cost?

There are three bundle options that give you an attractive discounted price. You can choose the course alone and use your own tools, or you can bundle it with our Muscle Liberator Lite vibration tool and/or Tiger Tail balls. Whichever you choose, it will be an investment in your own health that you will not regret, and will cost you less than a couple of sessions with a therapist. See the pricing tables above for details.

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee?

Yes, within 30 days you can get a full refund if you aren’t happy with the course. We know our self care approach works and stand behind our products 100%, and we want you fully satisfied.

How Long Do I Have Access To The Course?

You get lifetime access to the materials, so you can work at your own pace without fear of your access expiring.

I Was Told That Sciatica Is A Spinal Or Nerve Problem. Will This Still Work?

Conventional “wisdom” holds that most pain is from something torn or diseased, so most practitioners will offer that possible diagnosis first because they don’t understand how trigger points work. However, this is a provably false worldview, and the vast majority of pain is not caused by injury, but by trigger points in muscles. Our techniques are easy and non-invasive, and in the vast majority of cases they work (even if there was an injury at some point).

Sciatica is eminently treatable, and very rarely is due to a problem with the sciatic nerve. For this reason, it’s sensible to work on a muscular level first before pursuing expensive and invasive procedures. Most of the time, you will experience success.