Join our trigger point massage course for physical therapists
Become a member and get unlimited access to our Coaching The Body courses including introductory and advanced guides to trigger point massage.
Perfect for massage therapists looking to expand their offering, as well as chiropractors, fitness trainers, and patients looking to release pain through trigger point massage.

We are an accredited provider of continued education for trigger point therapy.
Get certified as a pain hacker and start using massage to release muscle and joint pain for good.

Trigger Point Massage
Get certified and complete our trigger point massage courses to expand your practice’s offering.

Fitness Trainers & Yoga Teachers
Add trigger point massage to your toolkit for enhanced recovery and athletic performance.

Trigger Point Massage For Shoulder Pain
Trigger point massage can provide a perfect release for common shoulder pain.

Trigger Point Massage For Back Pain
Suffering from back pain? Trigger point massage can help to release muscles & promote recovery.
Continuing Education Credits
Many of our courses provide approved CE for massage, corrective exercise and yoga
“I haven’t come across a person with such specific knowledge in myofascial pain in quite some time..”
I'm a massage therapist and I also do a lot of trigger point work and Thai work and I'm just like in heaven. I'm only halfway through week one and I'm so thrilled.
Chuck’s years of study and practice has evolved into the healing wisdom our Westernized society needs TODAY. I want to share this with my community and teach it to future generations!!!
“Makes so much sense to learn it this way-- functionally.”
“Yes! So much info about the referral areas. Just what I wanted and needed. It brought all the prior classes together.”
“After about 20 minutes of gingerly addressing my partner’s traps, subscap, infra, supra, deltoid, and biceps his pain-free ROM increased dramatically. We were both amazed!!!”
“Good stuff! Chuck, you are a wonderful teacher! I really like having the ability to “rewind” and replay something. I really love this course, my thumbs are MUCH happier these days! Thanks so much!
“I have a much clearer understanding of muscles because of Doug's demos!!!”
“So impressed with the unique style of teaching and the blend of East/West technique.”
“Loved the down to earth vibe. Very inspiring course!”
Thanks Chuck! I love this approach! From my 35 years of doing massage, this all makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing this concept.
“These studies are invaluable! I am so thankful to have discovered your program.
“Very awesome and very eye opening. I always thought how important your feet were.That is your foundation. But this brings it to a whole new level.”
“I believe so strongly in what Chuck is doing. I have watched it transform lives and eliminate medical diagnoses! I’m THRILLED to continue my study, learning from a true master of healing pain and injury!”
“Thanks Chuck for your contribution. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I am enjoying the weekly online classes and look forward to seeing you in person soon.
“Immediate Results. I am already seeing results with only the first two lessons.
“Going forward, I am so excited to be able to 1. Help get my yoga students out of pain, and 2. Help them access improved joint mobility & stability much faster.”
“Teaches the why which makes everything come together.”
“Well taught and thorough”
“Very good. Serious people and serious instruction. All info. was relevant and important. Enough repetition to learn.”
“Life Changing! This program has been life changing for my practice and all of my clients have benefited tremendously. Thank you!!!”
“Every class makes the concepts "Click" a little more”
“Terrific- Chucks knowledge is scary good!”
“I feel ike I'm learning the most advanced and expert training available, it's the best.”
“It was helpful to have the apprentices and other teachers in the class.”
“Clients noticing difference! So far with the program I have learned lots and my clients are noticing a difference.”
“Chuck, I learn well from your style of teaching. Glad to have such informative lectures where you manage to throw in your experiences as well. Pretty cool.”
“Really excited to possibly work towards solution for mild deafness.”
“Chuck is a fantastic teacher, as always. He changes my worldview and deepens my understanding of the body and of pain every time.”
“Great teachers. Structure of the class flowed well! Good segments and not too much information at once.”
A Proven Approach for Lasting Relief
Learn how to unlock your clients’ pain with Coaching The Body’s unique approach to trigger point massage.Using our own trigger point massage tool, the Muscle Liberator, paired with an in depth learning resource we will help you to understand how to do trigger point massage for the optimal myofascial release.
With this knowledge you will be able to unlock your clients’ muscle pain in ways you thought impossible through movement and massage.
Chuck Duff created this course after a long career in manual therapy, and brings not only the theory but decades of hands on experience using trigger point massage with real clients, sharing his insights into what really works.
Advanced Bodywork Approach
Using movement, advanced TrP therapy and distraction
Targeted Vibration Therapy
Using precise therapeutic vibration for fast relief with our Muscle Liberator™
Neuro-Hacking Techniques
Accelerate recovery with neuroplasticity and distraction methods
Find The True Source Of Chronic Pain
Advanced analysis including functional relationships and satellite referral

Trigger point massage provides relief from chronic pain.
Using trigger points to massage problematic muscles and surrounding joints can help to release muscles from tension and pain through physical therapy following the Coaching The Body® method.
I’m only 8 weeks in to the CTB membership and it’s absolutely the best thing I’ve ever done for my business/life.
Sarah Cook.
A Hands-on Course For Trigger Point Massage Professionals
Running a massage practice and looking to deepen your understanding of muscular pain relief? Trigger point massage will help you to provide genuine care to your clients through properly applied massage, targeting the release of muscle knots and tension.
Our course offers accreditation for continued education, recognized by regulatory bodies.

Become a Pain Hacker, Grow Your Massage Practice & Build Referrals
Nothing helps your practice grow more than happy clients spreading the word about your healing hands.
We help you the source of pain, then unlock the secrets on how to use trigger point massage to treat a variety of common (and a few less common) issues can be revolutionary for your clients and practice.

Chuck’s book, ENDING PAIN, quickly became an Amazon #1 Best Seller, a testament to the need for a revolutionary new look at our failing pain industry.
Here’s what students say about Coaching The Body® trigger point massage membership.
Julianne Hutchcraft
Founder, KC Yoga Coach
Francine Pettit
Samadhi Thai Massage & Bodywork
with CTB.”
Marshelle Joseph

Amazon #1 Best Selling Author
Oddly enough, pain is a mystery to the medical profession. Our medical system is still in the middle ages in terms of understanding pain, which is why we have over 100,000 people a year dying of opiate overdose in the US.
When I started out as a Thai bodyworker and trigger point massage therapist over 20 years ago, I quickly became frustrated at my inability to reliably help the many clients who came to me with pain. I was shocked at how many experienced practitioners had failed them prior to seeing me.
Setting out on my journey with trigger point massage therapy in 2002 gave me hope that I could develop a repeatable system for treating pain. I discovered the reasons why this brilliantly conceived system had a spotty track record and had never gained mainstream acceptance. I spent years analyzing the functional anatomy behind common Thai and yoga poses, training and movement exercises and began recasting them in terms of updated trigger point principles.
I taught the first course in my new system, Coaching The Body®, in 2005 and I've spent the intervening years refining it--until we now can reliably address the vast majority of pain complaints with speed, permanence and efficiency. CTB combines trigger point knowledge, modern neuroscience and neuroplasticity concepts with a range of manual therapy and self care techniques. It works.